Miss traffic court? Have a suspended license? A new law may help you.
It is important to attend your court date because when you miss traffic court, the Court may suspend your driver’s license. A new law can help prevent your license from being suspended. If it was already suspended, the new law can help you get your license back, but you need to take action as soon as possible.
Not sure if your license is suspended or why your license is suspended? Find more information here.
What to do if you miss traffic court:
What to do if your license has been suspended for missing court:
*Offenses under O.C.G.A. § 40-5-54, serious traffic offenses listed in O.C.G.A. § 40-6-390 through § 40-6-397, and offenses where a license can be suspended for a first offense are not guaranteed automatic license reinstatement.
What to do after the court reinstates your license:
For more information about what to do if you miss traffic court and have a suspended license, please contact:
Emily Spears, Attorney and Equal Justice Works Fellow
Phone: 404-827-0027 ext. 202
Email: ESpears@GJP.org