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GJP’s 2022 Holiday Party

GJP’s Holiday Party was back in-person this year! As part of our holistic intervention, GJP is committed to staying connected to our clients, in part through twice-yearly parties. In 2020 and 2021, we had to adjust our Holiday Party to a “drive-thru” event that would be safer for our clients, their families, and staff during the pandemic. This year, we were able to join our clients again in person complete with a holiday meal, crafts and activities, a visit from Santa, and a wrapped gift for each child to take home.

GJP also provided gas and grocery gift cards to help our clients through the financially straining holiday season. Over a hundred staff hours and thousands of dollars of gifts meet our clients with a smile in December—over 60 families (with over 150 children) received services at this event.

Thank you to Kiwanis Club of Atlanta, Atlanta Woman’s Club, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, ScanSource, Trinity Presbyterian, Alston & Bird, and all of our donors who made this event possible!

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Georgia Justice Project