Georgia Justice Project > Blog > News > SB 105 Passed Judicial Committee!


SB 105 Passed Judicial Committee!

GREAT NEWS!  SB 105, the probation reform bill that GJP drafted, PASSED the Senate Judiciary Committee!   

1 in 18 Georgians are under community supervision (probation and parole) compared to 1 in 58 nationally.  The average probation sentence in Georgia is three times longer than the national average.  And like other parts of the criminal justice system, there is massive racial disparity in who is serving a felony probation sentence in Georgia. 

SB 105 creates a unified process with clear criteria for early termination of felony probation sentences and, if it becomes law, will impact tens of thousands of Georgians who are serving unnecessarily long probation sentences. 

Help us take this important bill to the next step by making another phone call today!

Note:  If your State Senator is not on the Rules Committee, you don’t need to make a call today – enter your address in the form linked below to find out. We will let you know a vote is scheduled on the Senate floor so you can advocate at that time.

Click here to make a call to the Rules Committee in support of SB 105!

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Georgia Justice Project