Catalyst for Change: Capital Campaign 2023-2026

We are excited to announce the acquisition of the historic Southern Stamp and Stencil Company building at 428 Edgewood Avenue, which will allow us to expand our footprint so that we can continue creating a fairer, more just Georgia. We're excited for you to join in as we pursue this next evolution of our work in the neighborhood we call home. You can view the full prospectus here, or check out the highlights below!

What's to Come

Over the last three years, Georgia Justice Project has grown our capacity to serve more clients by expanding the number of staff employed by the organization, diversifying the type of legal services available to individuals impacted by the criminal legal system, and by changing the law (22 advocacy wins so far!) to ensure a more equitable Georgia.

GJP has been blessed to own our building on 438 Edgewood Avenue since the early 2000s, but the recent growth of our staff and clients, although planned for, left us with a more pronounced need for a more spacious location to conduct our work and better serve our clients. 

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We envision spaces that allow us to better serve our clients. 

  • Drop-in social service space to pick up mail, charge your phone, pick up a MARTA card, or other essentials for everyday living
  • Children's playroom for clients in court or meeting with their attorney or social worker
  • Parking for alternative transportation models
  • Technology-enabled private rooms
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Due to GJP’s standing in the community and friendly relationship with our neighbors, we acquired the building under the appraised value – for $3.2 million – and are now owners of a building with three floors, 11,000 sq ft of space, and additional parking spaces in a quickly gentrifying part of Atlanta.

Because of a course-altering multi-year gift from the Kendeda Fund, and support from the John & Rosemary Brown Foundation and the Woodruff Foundation, we had $1 million towards the purchase of the building. We have also received an anonymous planned gift of $2 million to build an endowment to support our future work.

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There are many ways to get in on the ground floor!

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To learn more or if you have additional questions, please contact Development Director Ermis Zayas at (404) 827-0027,
ext. 217, or email

Georgia Justice Project is a 501(c)(3) and all contributions are tax-deductible.

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Georgia Justice Project