My internship at Georgia Justice Project has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. This is in part because of the current pandemic and the global racial unrest that is currently happening. But I think it’s more about how I have explored justice organizations relationships to communities in this moment. By trade I’m not just a student, but I’m also a theologian and historian and that places me in the unique position to see how people’s faith … read more 2020 Summer Intern Reflection – Darrin “DJ” Sims
I initially interacted with the Georgia Justice Project in a huge and crowded hall with over a thousand students milling around. Amidst the low buzz of chaos, the attorneys interviewing me were warm and friendly, provided succinct overviews of Georgia law affecting criminal records and child support debt (while taking my own surprise in stride), and made time for my own questions. This attitude of brilliance and kindness permeated throughout the organization. Being a part of GJP’s first remote intern … read more 2020 Summer Intern Reflection – Shree Chudasama
My time at GJP has been absolutely wonderful – the people, the work, the culture, all of it. I came into this summer interested in criminal defense but unsure, and this experience cemented my desire to become a public defender! And then, once I get a few years of that experience under my belt, hopefully end up at an organization like GJP. I knew this when I was sitting in court on my birthday, next to one of our clients, … read more 2019 Summer Intern Reflection – Natalie Savoie Cauley
I’ll start this reflection with the classic, “where do I begin?” Because it’s true. As you all are probably well aware of by now, I have lots of energy. In my freshman year at college, I crafted a lifestyle for myself where I ran two to three times a day, and even though I had internships and class, I was never in the same place for more than four hours. Needless to say, I was terrified of having a 9-5 … read more 2019 Summer Intern Reflection – Whitney Westbrook
My favorite parts of my summer at GJP were the field trips we got to take. I found the Medical Examiner’s office, the trip to Montgomery, my jail visit with Atoyia, and our lunch with the Chief Justice particularly memorable and powerful experiences. I enjoyed the responsibility of getting to work the front desk and also getting to chance to go into court with Rachel and Atoyia. I learned a lot from these first hand experiences and they have only … read more 2019 Summer Intern Reflection – Martha Selph