Georgia Justice Project > Blog > Legislative Updates > Second Chances Advocacy Toolkit

Legislative Updates

Second Chances Advocacy Toolkit

Whether you attended or were unable to make it, Second Chance Day on February 5th was just the beginning! You can continue to advocate for second chances throughout the legislative session by urging legislators to support a change in the law that would allow expungement of certain convictions in Georgia.

  1. Call, email, or visit your legislators at the Capitol. If you want to make the greatest impact, do all 3! 









2. Send GJP’s Second Chance postcards to your legislators. Contact Helen Mun for more details ( or 404-827-0027 ext. 259).







3. Sign up for action alerts via the GJP newsletter

4. Join us for Justice Day at the Capitol on February 26th, 2019! Visit to learn more.

Do you need a refresher on tips for lobbying with your legislators? Check out our training presentation from Second Chance Day.

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Georgia Justice Project